Learn More About Robert Burns

Robert Burns, Scotland's national bard, remains a pivotal figure in Scottish literature and culture. His works, including "Auld Lang Syne" and "Tam o' Shanter," resonate with authenticity and social commentary, capturing the essence of 18th-century Scottish life and the universal human experience.

From Scotland.org: The word bard is of Celtic origin and means poet. As William Shakespeare is England's national bard, Robert Burns is Scotland's. And over 250 years after he was born into a poor Ayrshire farming family, the universal appeal of many of his poems and songs endures.

RBANA is an association dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of the life, works and philosophy of Scotland’s National Bard – Robert Burns, and to promote Scottish culture and heritage in North America.

The Robert Burns World Federation was founded in 1885, and with over 250 member clubs and Scottish societies throughout the world, we continue our mission to promote, educate and celebrate the life and works of Robert Burns and Scotland’s heritage, language and culture.

Our Location

The Burns Club of Atlanta is located at the Atlanta Burns Cottage, a replica of Robert Burns' birthplace.